"Capes, Crooks & Cliffhangers: Heroic Serial Posters of the Golden Age" was one of my more enjoyable design challenges. But, unlike most major Heritage projects which were done and gone to press in a matter of days or weeks, this one took over three years to finish! The culprit was time: six in-house designers were tasked with a workload that included over 100 print catalogs a year, hundreds and hundreds of ads, direct mailers, brochures, proposals, invitations, posters, signs, certificates of authenticity, business cards, letterheads, a quarterly magazine, promotional items, and pro bono work for charities. This project kept getting pushed back to the end of the priorities line, but the wait was well worth it. "Capes, Crooks & Cliffhangers" is a 308-page, 4-color book in perfect-bound and deluxe hardback versions, and I believe copies are still available for purchase from Heritage Auctions.